

Business School




發(fā)布時間:2021-12-02 00:49:55



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1. 為了便于校方查閱,必須提到被推薦者的全名。

2. 必須交待與被推薦者的認識期間(何時開始認識或認識多久),認識程度(偶爾見面 或密切接觸)及關系(師生關系,上下級關系,同事等)。

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4. 必須表明推薦人的態(tài)度,是極力推薦還是有保留地推薦。最近一些學校出于各種原因,設計了推薦表格,由推薦人填寫,但其主要內容也和推薦信涉及的相同。



Dear Professor ******,
I am glad to receive your letter and the good news to Mr ******. As his supervisor, I have known him for more than five years, and I am pleased to give you a formal statement.
Mr. ****** graduated from ****** University and began his Ph.D. study under my supervision in ****** in ******. His research work mainly focused on ******. He was proficient in ******. Due to his hard work, a lot of progresses have been made in this years. I know that he have acquired a broad and strong experience in ******, especially in ****** study.

In my close contact with him, I was deeply impressed by his strong interest and enthusiasm in scientific research. Besides, he has fine ideas and can design reasonable plans for his research. From my observation, he can undergo a new research project independently and quickly because of his y of ****** techniques and quickly taking in new techniques.

Furthermore, he is also modest and easy to get along with, he showed high respecting to teachers or advisors. He energetically participated in some common affairs in the lab. These characters will allow him to adapt to a new environment rapidly.

Mr. ****** is one of the most studious and promising fellows among my students. I recommend him to you without any hesitation and expected that the postdoctoral experience in your laboratory will provide further refinement and specific training for him.

Sincerely yours,
****** University
City, China

  • 友鏈

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